Kitchen Renovation: Day 2

Today I got the new wall up (using the cement board instead of  chalk).  Got the first part of the cabinets in, awaiting some more plumbing work tomorrow before I can put in the sink base.  Mostly, a whole bunch of piddly things that ate up the day.

Beginning to come together

Beginning to come together

Kitchen Renovation Project: Day 1

Doing some remodeling this weekend. Tearing out the old 1950s sink and cabinets.





No Top

No Top


Old Cabinets Gone

Old Cabinets Gone


Cleaned up with Wall out

Cleaned up with Wall out








It is an old cabinet.  Which means it is built well, and very sturdy.  I had planned to attempt to remove it intact, if at all possible.  As a custom built item, I had no idea if it was built into the wall or not.  After hours of working at it, I did finally get the whole thing loose.  I had to saw it in half to get it out of the kitchen, due to the island that I had already put in.  I will try to install this cabinet + sink into the “Garage” (has been remodeled into a functional free-standing room) as part of the craft/project section of the room.

As is always the case with any project, there is always some wtf moment.  This is a pic of several hundred really old razor blades that were in the wall space:

Surprise Blades

Surprise Blades